In 2019, WHO and UNICEF agreed that 2.2 billion people still lack access to safe and continuous drinking water. Cameroon is among the countries with the most critical situation with 34% of the population without access to safe drinking water.
Therefore, on this day, GREEN CONNEXION advocates for increased budgetary allocations in the water, hygiene and sanitation sector, for better access for all and to better respond to the health shocks we experience every day.
It is also an opportunity to advocate for the acceleration of projects aimed at the sustainable management of this natural resource.
Still called the green lung of the planet, the forest in one way or another is linked to our daily life. Among its many ecological benefits, it is important to remember on this day that forests contribute to water and air quality through their role in preserving and purifying the environment.
It is therefore mandatory to act in favour of forests because healthy forests are necessary for healthy populations.