Like every year for almost 10 years, Green Connexion will join the international community to celebrate the International Day of Biodiversity 2024 ( ).
The theme this year 2024 “Contribute to the Plan”, implied The plan for Biodiversity For life on earth ( ), is a call from the heart for total participation in the conservation effort, given the significant challenges to be met, namely achieving the 4 objectives of 2050 and the 23 targets for 2030.
Green Connexion will organize a talk on May 22 at its headquarters in Yaoundé on the theme “Contribute to the Plan”. A banner celebrating the theme has already been deployed.
Today, April 22, marks the 54th edition of Earth Day, an annual event dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of nature and the need to preserve our planet. It’s a crucial moment to remind everyone on Earth of the urgency of protecting our ecosystems and taking action to counter the environmental challenges we face.
The objectives of this day, according to the United Nations, are clear: to recognize that the Earth and its ecosystems are our common home, and that it is imperative to protect them in order to improve people’s living conditions, combat climate change and halt the loss of biodiversity. Issues such as deforestation, soil and water pollution, intensive agriculture and illegal wildlife trafficking underline the urgency of raising awareness of the need to preserve our planet. It is therefore essential that the UN and governments around the world make tangible commitments to protect the climate and biodiversity.
On this International Earth Day, it is vital to promote a transition to a more sustainable economy, one that promotes the well-being of both humanity and the planet. It’s no longer just a wish, but an absolute necessity that we live in harmony with nature and the Earth.
It’s essential to mark this date and to carry out strong actions in the future to shine by example, to continue to raise awareness in the future to act in favor of our environment. Each and every one of us has a role to play in the fight to preserve our planet for future generations.
On Saturday 16 September 2023, to mark World Clean-up Day, GREEN CONNEXION and 12 other organisations with a shared vision (protecting the environment) took part in a campaign to collect plastic waste. The event was organised jointly by the Let’s do it Camerooon consortium, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the municipality of Yde 3.
In addition to those mentioned above, the event brought together a number of other associations, including the Association des jeunes volontaires de Ngoaekelle, Touproprecamer, Water for life cameroon, AJACCGF, Clean environment for Africa, Mboa hub, CNEDD, Gic agro-solution, CONAPRODD and Les Petits bambous.
The initiative was inspired by the theme for 2023: “Let’s get involved in the fight against plastic waste pollution”.
At the end of the collection, the waste collected was given to Eco green, a recycling company, for processing.
Also referred to as introduced, unwanted, and non-native species, invasive species are the alien species that invade habitats and displace other species through rapid growth and spread.
Admission is based on the study of file for Cameroonians and foreigners of both sexes who fulfill the following conditions:
1.1.1 Technician Level:
Be a holder of GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects or an equivalent certificate. It is a 24-month programme with the last 12 months focused on industrial apprenticeship.
Non-qualified candidates will go through our foundation courses.
1.1.2 Senior Technician Level:
Be a holder of GCE A/L in at least two subjects, the “BACC or Brevet des Technicians/HND” in Wood Industry or Logging (1B, EF) or an equivalent certificate. It is a three years programme with the last 12 months focused on industrial apprenticeship. Holders of associate degrees in related fields spend two years as well as candidates with a degree in a non-related field. A degree in a related field spend one year.
Non-qualified candidates will go through our foundation courses
1.1.3 Postgraduate Certification Progrmmes:
In order to be admitted into the Postgraduate Certification programme, candidates fulfilling any of the conditions listed below shall be eligible;
1.2 Application Deadlines
1.2.1 National Candidates
Research and Grants-based Institute
Applications should be received on or before 30 September every academic year.
1.2.2 International Candidates
Foreign candidates who fulfill the above conditions (qualifications) should submit their applications on or before 31 August each year.
2.1 Undergraduate Programmes
admissions office at NGO Street Molyko, Central Market Road.) or admission agent.
(PgRS) aid through the bank account below.
2.2 Postgraduate Certification Programme
All of the above plus
3.0 Fees in CFA
The annual tuition stands vary for the three schools as follows
Candidates who are retained shall be expected to pay the respective sum above based on selected programme of the individual. The first installment shall be paid before the commencement of the programme.
Fees are paid into the following bank account.
Name of Bank: National Financial Credit Ltd
Account Owner: ERuDeF Institute of Biodiversity and Non-Profit Studies.
Account number: NFC 0433640104359805
Location: Opposite Chief Street Molyko-Buea.
Founder /President Louis Nkembi
Pro-Chancellor, Prof. Tankou Christopher
Chair, Senate: Prof. Lum Fontem
Chair, Scientific Committee: Dr.Nkengafac Gertrude
Rector: Dr. Augustine Nyangue
Director, Administration & HR: Shey Aloysius
Head Office: PO Box 189, Buea, Cameroon
Tel (+237) 671679026, 674796946, 677013064,
The campaign took place in the commune of Yaounde 6. The first collection area was Chapelle Obili, the second Carrefour Kameni, the third Ecole de Source, the fourth Lycée de Biyem-assi and finally the Accacia district.
At the end of the collection, the waste collected was handed over to Name Recycling for processing.
Green Connexion and the environmental impact of urban disorder
World Environment Day, which is celebrated every 05 June, has as its theme this year: “Solutions to plastic pollution”, and is directly in line with the current concerns of Green Connexion, whose aim is to study the environmental impact of urban disorder in Cameroon.
Cameroon’s political capital, like other cities around the world, is experiencing strong population growth, resulting in anarchic construction that stands out for its insalubrity.
Household waste dumped near a faulty septic tank
This urban disorder is reflected not only in the deterioration of transport infrastructure, but also in the uncontrolled dumping of plastic waste and various effluents.
The large-scale contribution of urban disorder to climate change is a detail that is often unknown or overlooked by political and economic decision-makers. Indeed, “CO2 emissions vary according to the state of the road and the state of our environment”. These two aspects may seem trivial, but in a context such as that of the city of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon, for example, where sanitation services are not regular and road infrastructure is mostly in poor condition, the increase in GHG emissions is necessarily tenfold.
So we need to do something about it. It starts with each and every one of us:
I’m responsible for the waste I produce, so I recycle it. This would also contribute to the development of the green economy.
The theme for 2023, “Solutions to plastic pollution”, is one that Green Connexion fully supports and on which we are actively working.
Green Connexion is heavily involved in the process of rebuilding biodiversity through the effort to change the status of threatened species. This involves a gradual and long-term process of multiplying sub-populations and increasing their size.
This is the case for threatened species such as:
Eremospatha barendii (CR) ; Cola hypochrysea (EN) ; Trichoscypha hallei (EN) and Hypolytrum unispicatum (EN).