world environment day 2023

world environment day 2023

Green Connexion and the environmental impact of urban disorder

World Environment Day, which is celebrated every 05 June, has as its theme this year: “Solutions to plastic pollution”, and is directly in line with the current concerns of Green Connexion, whose aim is to study the environmental impact of urban disorder in Cameroon.

Cameroon’s political capital, like other cities around the world, is experiencing strong population growth, resulting in anarchic construction that stands out for its insalubrity.

Household waste dumped near a faulty septic tank

This urban disorder is reflected not only in the deterioration of transport infrastructure, but also in the uncontrolled dumping of plastic waste and various effluents.

The large-scale contribution of urban disorder to climate change is a detail that is often unknown or overlooked by political and economic decision-makers. Indeed, “CO2 emissions vary according to the state of the road and the state of our environment”. These two aspects may seem trivial, but in a context such as that of the city of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon, for example, where sanitation services are not regular and road infrastructure is mostly in poor condition, the increase in GHG emissions is necessarily tenfold.

So we need to do something about it. It starts with each and every one of us:

I’m responsible for the waste I produce, so I recycle it. This would also contribute to the development of the green economy.

The theme for 2023, “Solutions to plastic pollution”, is one that Green Connexion fully supports and on which we are actively working.


About the Author

Jeanne Enama editor

2 Comments so far

OYE ElisabethPosted on  8:32 am - Jun 3, 2023

Je suis ravie à m’adresser à ceux qui militent pour réduire les différents types de pollution et en particulier la pollution plastique. J’ai commencé à réaliser des cordes multicolores avec le plastique que je propose aux établissements et buvette. Voilà ma petite contribution à la diminution de la pollution plastique. Je souhaite en savoir plus sur vous. Merci

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